
Poké-toast Vol. 2: Embroidered dad hats & more

Created by borb

Welcome back to volume 2 of Poké-toast embroidered dad hats! There will be other themed items to add.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Available Add-ons
6 months ago – Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 08:18:31 AM

Hello! There's 10 days left for the campaign and I've decided to self-fund some designs since I've had a chance to talk to some people at my recent events. 

  • Toast-Duck, Toast-tun & Toast-tun tote are available to select in Add-on.
  • Toast-tun acrylic charm is available in Add-on. 
  • Toast-Duck & Toast-tun are part of Volume 2 designs. If you backed for a hat, they will be options to select from. 
  • If we hit 2.2K funding goal on Kickstarter, each toast-tun tote will come with a matching acrylic freebie. 

I've also begun the sampling process for the tote with shoulder strap. Here is the first round of the embroidery done for appletun! I'm sending it back for round 2 of edits so hoping I can get a sample in hand sometime in April! 

Thanks for the continued support! I hope we finish the project strong!


New Add-Ons Available
7 months ago – Tue, Mar 05, 2024 at 07:16:42 AM

Hello Toasties! Tote bags and T-shirts (I went ahead and added them so I could do the announcement in one go) are now available to select as add-on! 

Please fill out the unofficial survey to mark down your t-shirt size if you plan to purchase shirts! This will greatly help me with stock logistics as I'm already ordering some to fulfill preorders off my shop.

I've decided to include another goal at 1.6K and 2K funding marks. This will be Appletun hat and Psyduck hat. Base colors are in the works but you can see below a tentative mock-up. These two designs will be considered as options for your base tier pledge or extra Vol2 dad hat! 


All hats fully funded!
7 months ago – Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 08:41:48 PM

Thank you, thank you, thank you all for the support!!! I can't say my thanks enough for how we were able to fund gens 1-3 designs all within 36 hours of project launch! 

I truly appreciate all the quick feedback from everyone ♥ 

Here are a few things I want to bring up now that we've completed the initial designs:

  • All initial freebies are unlocked! (chart added below as refresher)
    • There are quantity limits for stamp washi and toast-notes so please keep in mind that you may or may not get the freebie selection of your choice ;n; If you paid for either as an add-on,  those are guaranteed.
  • Unofficial survey to enter the giveaway
  • Non-hat Stretch goals : Add-ons
  • Finalized messenger bag design
  • Potential new Add-on designs

The next stretch goals will be to make the double-sided (non-shiny and shiny) regional tote bags, regional t-shirts, and Appltun messenger bag available. Below you can find details for the messenger bag. 

Potential new add-ons: Appletun vinyl sticker will be added. I'm also planning on making an acrylic charm version of him to be available once the messenger bag is unlocked. 
Additionally, with Legends ZA announced, is there any interest in toast hats for kalos starters? Let me know what you think ;u;

I hope everyone is as excited as I am about this project! 


Kanto Hats funded!
7 months ago – Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 11:04:29 AM

Wow, in under 2 hours we've hit the base funding goal to unlock the Kanto-starters! 

Thank you for the early support!!! 

I've created an interest check form that also opens up a giveaway:

The prize will be one pin-club exclusive toasty of the winner's choice. As of today, my pinclub members have selected Rowlet, Mudkip and Cyndaquil to be turned into pins! Here's what they look like:  

Cyndaquil is in currently production

If you want to join the pin club, you can do so from my Ko-fi! 

I hope we can unlock the remaining three initial designs! Also with Pokemon Day's announcement, how do we feel about Kalos region hats?